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Version: 7.6

Access to Product Features

Resolve Actions Pro provides granular access control over product features. Through user accounts, groups, and organizations on one hand and roles on the other, you can control what menus users can see and what endpoint they can access.

As an administrator, you can control access to product features on two levels:

  • UI views—Show or hide various parts of the Actions Pro web user interface for different users.
  • Endpoints—Allow or deny the user access to Actions Pro operations through the AJAX API user by the UI to communicate with the server (internal use).

UI views and endpoints work hand in hand. Ensure that you have allowed endpoint access to the feature after allowing it in the menu, otherwise it will not work. Similarly, consider providing menu access after allowing endpoint access.

See Menus and Corresponding API Endpoints to learn what endpoints to enable for a menu.


A security-related subset of the menus and endpoints are only available to the admin role. Assigning other roles to those will not have any effect. See Menus and Corresponding API Endpoints to learn what features are bound to the admin role.

Controlling Access to UI Views

One way to provide your users with different levels of access to Actions Pro features is to hide elements on the web user interface. This approach only limits UI access; if the user's role allows for endpoint access to the feature, they will still be able to use it.


The built-in admin user and users with the built-in admin role always see all UI items, regardless of the UI view settings that you make.

There are several aspects to the Actions Pro web user interface:

  • Dashboard—this is the home screen that users land on immediately after logging in for the first time. It contains menus grouped into categories. You can hide entire categories or separate menus. You can also create custom categories and menus.
  • Toolbar—this is the navigation bar at the top of the Actions Pro UI. It combines navigation and information display. You can add new items to it and manage who can see them. You can’t change the visibility of toolbar items that appear by default .
  • Drop-down Main Menu—this menu duplicates the purpose of the dashboard but is always visible in the top toolbar for you to be able to quickly navigate to another main menu item. The content of the drop-down menu on the taskbar is tied to the Dashboard visibility settings.

Controlling the Visibility of a Dashboard Category

Items on the dashboard are grouped in categories. You can determine who can see the category through a combination of the Active setting and role assignment. A menu category that is active and has no roles applied to it is visible to everybody.


Users who are restricted from viewing a menu category can still run its functionality using the AJAX API endpoints. See Controlling Access to API Endpoints to learn how to restrict API usage.

Similarly, users who are allowed to view a menu category will not be able to use its full functionality if they are restricted from using the underlying API endpoints.

For a list of dashboard items and their corresponding API endpoints, see Menus and Corresponding API Endpoints.

Take these steps to determine the visibility of a category on the Actions Pro dashboard:

  1. From the Actions Pro main menu, click Menu Administration > Menu Definition.
    A list of default menu categories appears.
  2. Click the View Details icon in front of the category that you want to manage.
    The Menu Definition screen for the category appears.
  3. Specify the visibility:
    • To make the entire category unavailable to all users, uncheck the Active box next to the category name.
    • To make the entire category available to everybody:
      1. Check the Active box next to the category name.
      2. Under Roles, ensure that no roles are added.
    • To make the entire category available only to specific roles:
      1. Check the Active box next to the category name.
      2. Under Roles, click Add and add one or more roles that you want to have access to the menu category.
  4. Click Save at the top of the screen to save the menu definition.

The changes apply to affected user views after refreshing the page or logging out and then back in.

Controlling the Visibility of a Dashboard Item

You can determine who can see an individual dashboard item through a combination of the item's Active setting and role assignment. The visibility of individual menu items also depends on the parent category's visibility. To make an item visible to a user, you first need to make sure that they are allowed to view the item's menu category.


Users who are restricted from viewing a menu item can still run its functionality using the AJAX API endpoints. See Controlling Access to API Endpoints to learn how to restrict API usage.

Similarly, users who are allowed to view a menu item will not be able to use its full functionality if they are restricted from using the underlying API endpoints.

For a list of dashboard items and their corresponding API endpoints, see Menus and Corresponding API Endpoints.

Take these steps to determine the visibility of an individual item on the Actions Pro dashboard:

  1. From the Actions Pro main menu, click Menu Administration > Menu Definition.
    A list of default menu categories appears.
  2. Click the View Details icon in front of the category containing the menu item that you want to manage.
    The Menu Definition screen for the category appears.
  3. Ensure that the Active box next to the category name is checked.
    If the category is inactive, all menu items in it also appear inactive, regardless of how you set up the items.
  4. In Roles, ensure that the settings provide as little or as much visibility over the menu category as you need for the individual menu item settings to work.
    For example, to make an item visible to a user, you first need to make sure that they are allowed to view the item's menu category.
  5. Click the View Details icon in front of the menu item name.
  6. Specify the visibility:
    • To make the menu item unavailable to all users who are allowed to view the menu category, uncheck the Active box next to the item name.
    • To make the menu item available to everybody who is allowed to view the menu category:
      1. Check the Active box next to the menu item name.
      2. Under Roles, ensure that no roles are added.
    • To make the menu item available only to specific roles (provided their members are allowed to view the menu category through the same or another role):
      1. Check the Active box next to the menu item name.
      2. Under Roles, click Add and add one or more roles that you want to have access to the menu item.
  7. Click Apply to close the menu item edit window.
  8. Click Save at the top of the screen to save the menu definition.

The changes apply to affected user views after refreshing the page or logging out and then back in.

Modifying the Query section of built-in menu items is not recommended.

Creating Dashboard Categories and Items

You can add dashboard categories as well as menu items to new or built-in categories. Combined with the right per-role permissions, this allows you to completely reorganize the dashboard for different user roles.

Adding a Dashboard Category

Take these steps to add a category in the dashboard:

  1. From the Actions Pro main menu, click Menu Administration > Menu Definition.
  2. Click New.
    The Menu Definition screen opens. Categories always appear on the top menu level.
  3. Fill in the form:
    1. Name—Give the category a name.
    2. Active—Switches the category's visibility on or off for all users except administrators.
    3. Menu Items—Define what items appear in the category. You can combine items in groups.
      See Adding a Dashboard Item to learn how to add item and groups and Controlling the Visibility of a Dashboard Item to learn how to manage item visibility.
    4. Roles—Determines what roles are allowed to view the category.
  4. Click Save.

The changes apply to affected user views after refreshing the page or logging out and then back in.

Adding a Dashboard Item

You can add dashboard items directly under a category or in named groups.

Take these steps to add an individual dashboard item in a category:

  1. From the Actions Pro main menu, click Menu Administration > Menu Definition.
  2. Click the View Details icon in front of the category where you want to add the item.
    The Menu Definition screen for the category appears.
  3. Under Menu Items, do the following:
    1. To add an empty group:
      1. Ensure that none of the menu items is selected and then click Add Group.
      2. In the Name column, give the group a name.
    2. To add a top level item, ensure that none of the menu items is selected and then click Add Item.
      The Menu Item dialog box appears.
    3. To add an item into a group, ensure that only the group line is selected and then click Add Item.
      The Menu Item dialog box appears.
  4. Fill in the Menu Item form:
    1. Name—Give the item a name.
    2. Query—Specifies the Actions Pro query string or external URL to go to.
      • See Finding the Query String to learn where to locate take the query string.
      • When specifying a web site URL, include the protocol prefix like in
      • Actions Pro opens web sites in an iframe. Ensure that the web site that you are referencing allows that.
    3. Active—Enables or disables the item for all users, excluding administrators.
    4. Roles—Use the Add and Remove buttons to add or remove roles who are allowed to view the dashboard item.
      An empty list means that all roles can see the item. See Controlling the Visibility of a Dashboard Item to learn how to manage item visibility.
  5. Click Save.

The changes apply to affected user views after refreshing the page or logging out and then back in.

Managing Menu Sets

Menu sets are combinations of dashboard categories that you can switch between on the Actions Pro home screen. This way you can quickly filter down to the categories that you need for a specific task. As an administrator, you can create menu sets and make them available to different roles. Out of the box, the product comes with a number of predefined menu sets for common user types such as User Admin and Development.

Users can switch between menu sets on the Actions Pro home screen, from the Menu Set drop-down list at the top.

Creating Menu Sets

Take these steps to create a menu set:

  1. From the Actions Pro main menu, click Menu Administration > Menu Sets.
  2. Click New.
  3. In Name, give the menu set a suitable name.
  4. Check Active to make the menu set active.
    Inactive menu sets are not visible to any role.
  5. In Roles, add the roles to which you want the menu set to be available.
    An empty list means that all roles can see the menu set.
    Note that the visibility over a menu set does not propagate down to the menu categories it includes. You need to make sure that each separate included category is visible to the role. For users with insufficient permissions, the menu set will include less categories.
  6. In Menus, click Add to add the dashboard categories to be included in the menu set.
    You can use multiple selection in the Menus dialog box that appears.
  7. Click Save.

Editing Menu Sets

Take these steps to edit an existing menu set:

  1. From the Actions Pro main menu, click Menu Administration > Menu Sets.
  2. Click the View Details icon in front of the menu set that you want to edit.
  3. In Name, change the menu set name if needed.
  4. Check or uncheck Active to activate to deactivate the menu set active.
    Inactive menu sets are not visible to any role.
  5. In Roles, use the Add and Remove buttons to change the roles that have access to the menu set.
    An empty list means that all roles can see the menu set.
    Note that the visibility over a menu set does not propagate down to the menu categories it includes. You need to make sure that each separate included category is visible to the role. For users with insufficient permissions, the menu set will include less categories.
  6. In Menus, use the Add and Remove buttons to change what dashboard categories appear as part of the menu set.
  7. Click Save.

Adding Toolbar Items

The Actions Pro upper navigation bar combines navigation and information display. It includes a number of items out of the box that always appear on it, including a cascading dashboard, a profile menu, search, active worksheet display and more. In addition to them, administrators can define new items to add to the toolbar and manage who can see them. These are either individual items in the form of clickable text or groups of individual items.

This feature is useful when you want to add a shortcut to a frequently used Actions Pro resource or an external URL. Examples include:

  • An Actions Pro submenu
  • An Actions Pro automation
  • An Actions Pro worksheet
  • An intranet website
  • An internet website

Custom toolbar items appear in the empty space between the Main Menu and the Organization indicator.

Adding an Individual Item

Take these steps to add an individual toolbar item:

  1. From the Actions Pro main menu, click Menu Administration > Toolbar Definition.
  2. Click Add Item.
    A new line appears in the table view below called New Item.
  3. Click the following columns to set a value:
    1. Name—Enter a text value to appear on the toolbar item.
      Longer names that do not fit into the empty space may cause the item to be sent to a hamburger menu.
      Example: Daily Report
    2. Open As—Determines how the item will open in your web browser.
      1. Normal—Opens the item in the same browser window/tab.
      2. New Tab—Opens the item in a new browser tab.
      3. Popup—Opens the item in a web browser pop-up.
        Note that depending on your web browser settings, the pop-up might be blocked or opened in a new tab instead.
    3. Active—Enables or disables the item for all users, including administrators.
    4. Query or Fully Qualified URL—Specifies the Actions Pro query string or external URL to go to.
      • See Finding the Query String to learn where to locate take the query string.
      • When specifying a web site URL, include the protocol prefix like in
      • Actions Pro opens web sites in an iframe. Ensure that the web site that you are referencing allows that.
    5. Roles—Use the Add Roles and Remove Roles buttons to add or remove roles who are allowed to view the toolbar item.
      An empty list means that all users can see the item.
    6. Tooltip—Text that appears on mouse hover.
  4. Click Save.

The changes apply to affected user views after refreshing the page or logging out and then back in.

Adding an Item Group

Take these steps to add a group of toolbar items:

  1. From the Actions Pro main menu, click Menu Administration > Toolbar Definition.
  2. Click Add Group.
    A new line appears in the table view below called New Group. Groups cannot be nested.
  3. With the group selected, click Add Item to add an item inside the group.
  4. Fill in the group's and group items’ fields as with individual items.
    Keep in mind that a Query or Fully Qualified URL cannot be set for groups.
  5. Click Save.

The changes apply to affected user views after refreshing the page or logging out and then back in.

Finding the Query String

To create a main menu item or a toolbar item that acts as a shortcut to an Actions Pro UI resource, you need to specify the resource's query.

Take these steps to find the query string for an Actions Pro UI resource.

  1. In Actions Pro, navigate to the resource.
  2. In the web browser's address bar, examine the page URL and extract the query part located at the end of the URL after the pound (#) sign.
    User Administration > Users:
    The extracted part is RS.user.Users/.
    Specific Worksheet:
    The extracted part is RS.worksheet.Worksheet/id=092d52beb4894ee4a442c70f7c23cf45.

Controlling Access to API Endpoints

The Actions Pro web UI works by making AJAX requests to RSView. It calls API endpoints that are responsible for all aspect of the product's features. When defining a role and its access to product features, it is recommended to determine the role's access to API endpoints in addition to its access to UI views.

See Menus and Corresponding API Endpoints to learn what endpoints to enable for a menu.

Controlling Access to Built-in Endpoints

The fresh Actions Pro deployments comes with a number of built-in endpoints. As an administrator, you can control by-role access to them.

Take these steps to determine the access to an API endpoint:

  1. From the Actions Pro main menu, click System Administration > Application Security.
    A list of API endpoint names appears.
  2. Click the View Details icon in front of the API endpoint that you want to manage.
    The Controllers section shows the actual endpoint. Modifying the Controllers section of built-in endpoints is not recommended.
  3. In Roles, use the Add and Remove buttons to control the access to the API endpoint:
    • To make the API endpoint available to everybody, ensure that no roles are present in the list.
    • To make the API endpoint available only to specific roles, include those roles in the list.
  4. Click Save at the top of the screen to save the menu definition.

Batching Endpoints

You can combine several endpoints under a single name to control in batches. For example, you can batch all endpoints relating to user management. The batches you create appear next to the built-in named endpoints under Application Security.

Take these steps to create a batch of endpoints and determine its permissions:

  1. From the Actions Pro main menu, click System Administration > Application Security.
    A list of API endpoint names appears.
  2. Click New.
  3. Fill in the form:
    • In Name, give the batch a suitable name.
    • In Roles, use the Add and Remove buttons to control the access to the batch:
      • To make the API endpoint available to everybody, ensure that no roles are present in the list.
      • To make the API endpoint available only to specific roles, include those roles in the list.
    • In Controllers, click Add and add all the endpoints that you want to batch.
      You can do multiple selection in the Add Controller dialog box.
  4. Click Save at the top of the screen to save the endpoint batch.

See the table below to learn what are the API endpoints needed by a each built-in dashboard item to work. Apply this information to fully allow or restrict access to a product feature when using the Controlling Access to UI Views and Controlling Access to API Endpoints access levels.

The Actions Pro UI shows "Unauthorized" errors if the user doesn’t have access to all endpoints required for a menu item.

How to use the table:

  • The Menu Group/Subgroup/Menu/Function column contains the Menu Definition item with its full path from Menu group to an individual item. In some cases, the column contains a single function of the screen represented by the menu item.
  • The Admin-Only column shows if the feature is always limited to the admin role. You cannot provide other roles with permissions to features marked with "Yes".
  • The Application Security Entry column contains the exact name of the entries under Application Security that you need to allow/restrict to full allow/restrict access to the corresponding menu.
  • The Wiki Page column is populated only for menus that rely on a Wiki page to work. By controlling the Wiki page's permissions (see the Access to Content article), you can more granularly control access to such features.
Menu Group/Subgroup/Menu/FunctionAdmin-onlyApplication Security EntryWiki Page
Runbook CatalogMenu group
Runbook Catalog > (/wiki)system.HomePage
Runbook Catalog > (/wiki)Runbook.WebHome
ActionsMenu group
Actions > DashboardRS.dashboard.Dashboard (/dashboard)

Get the Dashboard Templates (/dashboard/getTemplates)
Automation Requests COEMenu group
Automation Requests COE > Automation Request (/wiki)CRForm.AutomationRequestForm
Automation Requests COE > Automation Request Custom (/wiki)CRForm.AutomationRequestCustomForm
Automation Requests COE > Automation Request (/wiki)CRForm.AutomationRequestUpdate
Automation Requests COE > (/wiki)CRForm.Reports
WorksheetMenu group
Worksheet > New WorksheetRS.worksheet.Worksheet (/worksheet)
Worksheet > My WorksheetsRS.worksheet.Worksheet (/worksheet)
Worksheet > UnassignedRS.worksheet.Worksheet (/worksheet)
Worksheet > All WorksheetRS.worksheet.Worksheet (/worksheet)Worksheet Get Api (/worksheet/getWS)WSDATA apis (/wsdata)
Request HistoryMenu group
Request History > Process RequestMenu subgroup
Request History > Process Request > OpenRS.worksheet.ProcessRequests (/processrequest)
Request History > Process Request > CompletedRS.worksheet.ProcessRequests (/processrequest)
Request History > Process Request > AbortedRS.worksheet.ProcessRequests (/processrequest)
Request History > Task ResultMenu subgroup
Request History > Task Result > ResultsRS.worksheet.TaskResults (/taskresult)
Archive HistoryUnused
Content ManagementMenu group
Content Management > Content ManagerNo access control available
Content Management > AutomationsMenu subgroup
Content Management > Automations > My (/resolutionbuilder)
Content Management > Automations > All (/resolutionbuilder)
Content Management > ActionTaskMenu subgroup
Content Management > ActionTask > My ActionTasksRS.actiontask.Main (/actiontask)

List Of Actiontask (/actiontask/list)

Action Task Treelist API (/actiontask/treelist)
Content Management > ActionTask > All ActionTasksRS.actiontask.Main (/actiontask)List Of Actiontask (/actiontask/list)Action Task Treelist API (/actiontask/treelist)
Content Management > ComponentMenu subgroup
Content Management > Component > PropertiesRS.actiontask.PropertyDefinitions (/atproperties)

<Action Task Property List /atproperties/list

Action Task Property Modules /atproperties/modules
Content Management > Component > Tag DefinitionRS.tag.Tag (/tag)
Remote AdministrationMenu group
Remote Administration > RSRemote AdministrationNo access control available
Remote Administration > Gateway AdministrationPartly.

Other roles can see the gateway list if given permission but cannot read/change blueprint properties.
CRUD operations for Gateway (/gateway)
Remote Administration > Gateway Filter AdministrationPartly.

Other roles can see the filter list if given permission but cannot create/update filters.

In Database Connection Pool Gateway, Connection URL can be viewed only by admin.
Filters CRUD Operations (/filter)Filters Listings (/filter/list)
Remote Administration > Resolution ID SchemaYesRS.resolutionrouting.Schemas (/resolutionrouting/schema)
Remote Administration > Resolution ID MappingRS.resolutionrouting.Rules (/resolutionrouting/rule)
Gateway AdministrationDeprecated. Use the submenu under Remote Administration instead.
Development ToolsMenu group
Development Tools > ActionTask BuilderRS.actiontask.Main (/actiontask)List Of Actiontask (/actiontask/list)Action Task Treelist API (/actiontask/treelist)
Development Tools > Automation (/wiki)
Development Tools > Page (/wiki)
Development Tools > Decision Tree (/wiki)
Development Tools > Custom Form BuilderRS.formbuilder.Main (/formbuilder)
Resolve ReportsMenu group
Resolve Reports > Business (/wiki)Reports.Business Reports
Resolve Reports > Operation (/wiki)Reports.Operation Reports
Resolve Reports > Development (/wiki)Reports.Development Reports
Resolve Reports > Admin (/wiki)Reports.Admin Reports
Resolve Reports > Usage (/wiki)Reports.RunbookUsageReport
Wiki AdministrationMenu group
Wiki Administration > Namespace (/nsadmin)

Wiki Namespace List (/nsadmin/list)
Wiki Administration > Wiki (/wikiadmin)

Result & Detail Macro (/wiki/resultmacro)

Wiki Admin List (/wikiadmin/list)

Wiki Document Rating (/wikiadmin/getRating)

Wiki Document Copy/Rename (/wikiadmin/moveRenameCopy)

Wiki Document Mark Deleted (/wikiadmin/setDeleted)
Wiki Administration > Global AttachmentsAttachment List (/wikiadmin/attachment/list)

Attachment Index (/wikiadmin/attachment/index)
Wiki Administration > Global Attachments > DeleteAttachment Delete (/wikiadmin/attachment/delete)
Wiki Administration > Global Attachments > RenameAttachment Rename (/wikiadmin/attachment/rename)
Wiki Administration > Global Attachments > UploadAttachment Upload (/wiki/attachment/upload)

Attachment Download (/wiki/attachment/download)
Wiki Administration > Tag DefinitionsRS.tag.Tag (/tag)
Wiki Administration > Tag Definitions > DeleteDelete Tag (/tag/deleteTags)
Wiki Administration > Template (/wikitemplate)

Wiki Template List (/wikitemplate/list)

Wiki Template Get (/wikitemplate/get)
Wiki Administration > Lookup (/wikilookup)
Report AdministrationMenu group
Report Administration > Runbook PropertiesCustom Table apis (/customtable)

Custom Table Delete (/customtable/delete)
Report Administration > Task PropertiesCustom Table apis (/customtable)

Custom Table Delete (/customtable/delete)
Report Administration > Timer PropertiesCustom Table apis (/customtable)Custom Table Delete (/customtable/delete)
Report Administration > MCPRS.mcp.Main (/mcp)
Report Administration > Store Execution (/wiki)Reports.RunbookExeSummaryPopulateTableGui
User AdministrationYesMenu group
User Administration > DefinitionYesMenu subgroup
User Administration > Definition > UsersYesRS.user.User (/user)

User Change Password (/user/changePassword)

Crop the User image (/user/crop)

Download User Profile (/user/downloadProfile)

Api to get the User info (/user/getUser)

List Of Users (/user/listUsers)

Preview Profile (/user/previewProfile)

User Save (/user/saveUser)

User Image Upload (/user/upload)
User Administration > Definition > GroupsYesList Of Groups (/user/listGroups)
User Administration > Definition > OrganizationsYesRS.sysadmin.Organization (/organization)

Organization List (/organization/list)
User Administration > Definition > RolesYesList Of Roles (/user/listRoles)
User Administration > AuthenticationYesMenu subgroup
User Administration > Authentication > Active Directory ConfigurationYesRS.sysadmin.ConfigADs (/configad)
User Administration > Authentication > LDAP ConfigurationYesRS.sysadmin.ConfigLDAP (/configldap)
User Administration > Authentication > RADIUS ConfigurationYesNo access control available
Table AdministrationPartly.Create/Update custom table is admin-only.Menu group
Table Administration > View TablesCustom Table apis (/customtable)

Custom Table Delete (/customtable/delete)

RS.customtable.Table (/view)

Custom Table View List (/view/list)

Custom Table View Read (/view/read)
Table Administration > View FormsRS.formbuilder.Main (/formbuilder)

Form Viewer (/form)

Form Delete (/form/delete)
Resolution RoutingPartially duplicates menus under Remote Administration. See that menu group for details.
Menu AdministrationMenu group
Menu Administration > Menu DefinitionRS.sysadmin.MenuDefinitions (/menudefinition)
Menu Administration > Menu SetRS.sysadmin.MenuSets (/menuset)
Menu Administration > Toolbar DefinitionNo access control available
System AdministrationMenu group
System Administration > Status InformationMenu subgroup
System Administration > Status Information > List RegistrationRS.sysadmin.ListRegistrations (/registration)
System Administration > Status Information > Session InformationSession Info (/user/sessioninfo)
System Administration > Status Information > Server InformationServer Information App (/server)
System Administration > System DefinitionMenu subgroup
System Administration > System Definition > Job SchedulerRS.sysadmin.JobSchedules (/jobscheduler)
System Administration > System Definition > System PropertiesRS.sysadmin.SystemProperty (/sysproperties)

Get the System Property By Name (/sysproperties/getAllProperties)

Get the System Property By Name (/sysproperties/getSystemPropertyByName)
System Administration > System Definition > System ScriptsRS.sysadmin.SystemScript (/sysscript)

System Script List (/sysscript/list)
System Administration > SecurityMenu subgroup
System Administration > Security > Application SecurityRS.sysadmin.ApplicationRights (/apps)

App Check Access Rights (/apps/hasPermission)
Import ExportMenu group
Import Export > Package ManagerRS.imex.Main (/imex)
Import Export > Import Export ModuleRS.impex.Main (/impex)
Import Export > Import Export LogRS.syslog.ImpexLog (/impexlog)
System LogsMenu group
System Logs > Alert LogRS.syslog.AlertLog (/alertlog)

Alert Log Delete (/alertlog/deleteAlertLogRecs)
System Logs > Audit LogRS.syslog.AuditLog (/auditlog)

Audit Log Export (/auditlog/export)
System Logs > Import Export LogRS.syslog.ImpexLog (/impexlog)
System Logs > Gateway LogRS.syslog.GatewayLog (/gatewaylog)
HelpMenu group
Help > Support HelpNo access control available
Help > License InfoRS.license.Main (/license)
Help > AboutNo access control available
Default Wiki AdminPartially duplicates menus under Wiki Administration. See that Menu group for details.
Default User AdminPartially duplicates menus under User Administration. See that Menu group for details.
Default System AdminPartially duplicates menus under System Administration. See that Menu group for details.